What we do

Given the time value of carbon — the concept that greenhouse gas emissions cut today are worth more than cuts promised in the future — we need low (or no) carbon solutions that are transformational rather than incremental.

Getting on track for net zero by 2050 means radically reducing all emissions by 2030, while at the same time conserving, restoring or better managing ecosystems and working lands to reduce or remove CO2 from the atmosphere.

We work in partnership to commercialise and scale highest impact climate solutions that we believe can deliver outsized emissions abatement this decade, a just transition for the benefit of people everywhere and attractive risk-adjusted financial returns.1

Just Climate Banner (1)

Capital allocation imperative

Shaun Kingsbury CBE, Chief Investment Officer: “Incremental change alone cannot deliver both net-zero emissions and an equitable and habitable planet in the timescales required. If the financial sector seeks to enable a whole economy transition, innovative approaches to allocating capital towards the climate transition are needed.”

Climate solutions

Industrial climate solutions

Industrial Climate Solutions is a global growth strategy designed to accelerate commercialisation of solutions for the high-emitting industrial sectors that are most off track with net zero.

With the right investment support, solutions for these industries can scale rapidly to achieve better gross margins, a lower cost of capital and widespread market adoption. In our view this is the path to highest climate impact and attractive risk-adjusted returns for investors.1

Natural climate solutions

Natural Climate Solutions is a global growth strategy designed to decarbonise the high-emitting agricultural sector and abate emissions through nature-based business models.

We invest in the picks-and-shovels necessary to transform our use of land and natural resources. We focus on understanding the full land use value chain to determine which business models are at a commercial tipping point and are ready to go to scale. In our view this is the path to highest climate and nature impact and attractive risk-adjusted returns for investors.1

An overview of our portfolio

Read more about our current portfolio below.

Our investment approach

We have four core pillars in our investment approach.

Climate-led research

We build on Generation’s proven research process by authoring roadmaps that find and support transformational solutions. Our starting point is to understand emissions pathways, abatement costs and the catalytic opportunity. These roadmaps enable us to identify opportunities and position ourselves competitively on deals.

Integrated due diligence

Our diligence process assesses for high impact, high-quality businesses backed by strong management teams at a compelling valuation. We are looking for business models where outsized emissions abatement drives attractive risk-adjusted returns.1

Flexible financial structuring

We can invest in companies or projects to commercialise largely proven technologies through tailored forms of alternative capital deployment. Our expertise in capital structuring allows us to amplify the impact of our investments and influence exits at optimal times.

Portfolio management

We are an active manager and can provide specialist portfolio support to enhance value creation, including engineering, carbon accounting and corporate partnerships.

  1. Just Climate seeks to deliver attractive risk-adjusted financial returns, but there can be no guarantee this goal will be achieved.
  2. Source: International Energy Agency (IEA)
  3. Source: IEA India Energy Outlook 2021